Our purpose

Our purpose

For all who turn access  into opportunity

We started bold because we believed that technology has the power to break down barriers, augment capabilities and open access to the global economy. To get there, you must believe in the people and the places that can make it happen. For more than 20 years, we’ve invested our hearts in clients, partners and new capabilities in regions where opportunities inspire us to reach out.

With humility, resourcefulness, and a deep understanding of what we’re solving and who we’re solving it for, we deliver the solutions that are right for each client, bringing globally high standards everywhere we go. We link experience to possibilities, connect people to one another and generate cycles of investment, development, and local impact that fuel resilience far into the future.

We create entire ecosystems of access — one locality, one technology, one person at a time. For all our stakeholders, we are SoftwareOne — For All Who Turn Access into Opportunity.

2022 facts and figuresCEO letter to shareholders

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