
Corporate Governance at SoftwareOne is the manifestation of a deeply engrained belief that long-term value creation can only be achieved with improvements of decision-making processes, transparency, and the implementation of management systems. Together these are all designed to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations. Corporate Governance at SoftwareOne reflects the desire to improve the functioning of the organisation and to continuously introduce new best practices.

The corporate governance framework of SoftwareONE Holding AG and SoftwareOne Group (collectively, SoftwareOne) follows the rules contained in the Directive Corporate Governance (DCG) of the SIX Swiss Exchange, the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance of économie suisse (Swiss Code) and aligns with current market practices.

The Board of Directors (BoD) is responsible for the ultimate direction of the company and overall oversight and the Executive Board (EB) for managing operations. SoftwareOne’s corporate governance principles and procedures are defined as follows:

Group structure and shareholdersAlternative Performance Measures

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