Our ESG journey so far
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
We have aligned our ESG programme with the broader sustainability agenda set out by the United Nations. From the seventeen goals, we have identified these seven as being most closely aligned to SoftwareOne as a software and cloud solutions provider. These goals were selected due to their importance to all of our stakeholders in accordance with the findings from our materiality assessment. These goals help shape our strategy and ambitions, however, we recognise that these are not the only goals we can work towards. As such, we will continually reassess our relationship with the SDGs and how we can best align our ESG programme to them.

SoftwareOne is committed to comprehensive and transparent reporting practices, creating accountability for our ESG programme. Therefore, we have adopted the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework.
Materiality assessment
In 2021 we reached out to various key stakeholders to identify their views and aspirations for a successful ESG programme at SoftwareOne. This dialogue included leadership interviews, employee and investor surveys, customer requirement research and an analysis of ESG expectations from our customers. Using this data, we conducted our materiality assessment, identifying which topics of an ESG programme are material to us as a company.
From this, we align every step of our journey to the priorities and passions of our employees, clients, investors, and other stakeholders, not only to ensure that their needs are met, but also to drive further engagement.
With the oversight of the Board of Directors, our materiality assessment was completed in four stages:
- Identifying our key stakeholders.
- Benchmarking our organisation against the technical materiality requirements of our peers.
- Discussing, interviewing and assessing these material topics with our stakeholders to understand their impact.
- Analysing these results to create a materiality matrix which maps the impact of each topic on our stakeholders to the relevance of that topic to SoftwareOne’s business.
These identified topics were then mapped to the business priorities, mission, and strategy of SoftwareOne.

Giveback & strengthening local community
Supporting local & global volunteer and donations efforts
Diversity & equal opportunity for all
Developing our global Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB) strategy
Client privacy & data protection
Focusing on how to protect both our clients and our own data
ESG governance & ethical behaviour
Continuing to improve our corporate governance and ethical culture
Accessibility to technology for NGOs
Continuing to expand our SoftwareOne Impact programme
Measure, control & reduce our GHG emissions
Calculating our own carbon footprint and efforts to reduce our emissions
Supporting partners achieving their public environmental commitments
Launching Cloud Sustainability
Sustainable offices
Developing strategies for greener offices
Supplier requirements for ESG
Partnering with our supply chain for greater impact
Training & education
Expanding and encouraging the development of The Academy